BEAUTY is always our underlying theme. Whether a room, a vignette, a table design, all should be beautiful, have an element of surprise, and speak to your personal style. Parties, dinners, luncheons and picnics give you an opportunity to be playful,to experiment and be outrageous if you will. These are moments that either express who you are, who you admire, or just something you’ve always wanted to try. It gives you an opportunity to express yourself without a long term commitment.

Making every day an occasion sounds like a heap of work – BUT, it is not. (Above: Annuals from the Garden Center line the center of the table)

Left: Begonias in a pot

Right: For a picnic style buffet
The goal of Charlotte Moss Entertains is to encourage people to come together, look forward to doing it and maybe experimenting a little with sprucing up. No expenditure required – just set the table – paper napkins, whatever you own, move a houseplant to the middle of the table or maybe a favorite large bowl filled with something seasonal; green apples, red cherries, ornamental kale, baby pumpkins, the possibilities are endless. The point is just do it… for your family, and yourself. (Below: from the supermarket and the pantry: vegetables punctuated with some of Charlotte’s silver vegetables)