America the Beautiful

America the Beautiful

What makes a nation great? Our flag. It is what our country stands for. Today, Flag Day, is a chance to show our patriotism. The American flag stands for freedom, civil rights, equality, and so much more.

Col. James A Moss wrote the book on the care of our flag. There is a proper protocol for this symbol that we pledge allegiance to. Did you ever have to fold an American flag at school? It is a process of reverence. The dedication page of this book is inscribed; “Since boyhood a soldier and having fought on the battlefields of three wars in defense of my own, my native land, I salute our youth of today, “Old Glory’s” greatest glory, in whose hands will be in the America of tomorrow, and I dedicate to them this book in the earnest hope that it will give to those who may read it a finer understanding and a deeper appreciation…” – Col. James A Moss

Happy Flag Day

2019-11-11T20:00:08+00:000 Comments
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