Put on your aprons and warm up your ovens… the SIXTH CHALLENGE is here!
We know you’ve had your share of home cooking, so let’s make baking fun!
Since we’ve been sheltering at home, we’ve been going through our cookbooks and pantries. We found hundreds of hidden gems in House & Garden’s and Wine & Food’s cookbooks that inspired us to do this BAKE OFF!
When Ina Garten wrote her cookbook HOW EASY IS THAT she acknowledged that, “if a recipe goes on for pages, using lots of complicated techniques and special equipment – forget about it!” So, we’d like for you to be inspired by her words when entering this BAKE-OFF. Ina’s no nonsense “saving you time and avoiding stress“ approach is the reason that her cookbooks fly out of stores on to your bookshelf. AND speaking of that, Ina will be signing her complete collection of cookbooks as one of the prizes of our #charmossbakeoff.
It’s simple – give us your recipe and a photo of your dessert – something simple, easy and appetizing! It has to be baked; bread, cookies, cakes, the list goes on!
So, have fun, I look forward to the recipes you will all share.
To enter:
Post your recipe and a picture of the finished product by the end of the day Friday, May 15th
Make sure to FOLLOW @charmossny @charlottemossco
HASHTAG #charmossbakeoff
This time YOU VOTE! Send in your pick for the winner Friday, May 15th
We will have 3 winners!
(Remember, you can’t vote for yourself!)
– The Ina Garten library, all SIGNED! (That’s 12 books!!!)
Click HERE to see all

A set of Butterfly Meadow China that includes 4 dessert plates, 4 mugs, 4 bowls, a serving tray and a cake stand by Lenox

A Watson Kennedy “Favorites” Package (@watsonkennedy)
Shopkeeper, author, daily blogger & stylist–Ted Kennedy Watson has pulled together a grouping of his favorite Watson Kennedy goods for the kitchen.
- 10 French dish towels from Le Jacquard Francais.
- Marco Polo Mariage Freres tea
- Blackberry honey
- WK special blend Pollard coffee with a scoop/clip
- Grove 45 extra virgin olive oil
- Italian balsamic (the best!)
- Jacobsen sea salt & Maldon pepper
- A set of 3 French mixing spoons

Head on over to C’est Inspire HERE to see some of the issues we found, and images from Charlotte’s favorite cookbooks and Ina Garten’s cookbooks. Warning: your mouth is going to water!!
Warm up your ovens everyone, and good luck!
***All images from C’est Inspire from Ina Garten’s Cookbooks, House & Garden and Wine & Food vintage magazines.