Elsie de Wolfe
Renzo Mongiardino, Billy Baldwin, Elsie de Wolfe, Alberto Pinto, Mario Buatta, David Hicks, Dorothy Draper, Tony Duquette, Albert Hadley and more, what do all of these names have in common? Their rooms have been swimming around our inspiration files for decades and their books have been poured over time and time again. They paved the way for designers past, present and for generations to come.
This brings us to the ICONIC ROOM CHALLENGE!

Albert Hadley
What room has spoken to you over the years that you just can’t get out of your head? We want to know!
This is more than a challenge, this has inspired us to launch a new series on our website:
Creating a Room
You’ve seen a room you love but then the questions start running through your mind. How do I begin? How do I create something similar? Where do I find everything? How do I make this look my own? The answer? Let us decorate for you.
But first enter the #IconicRoomChallenge!
No work required…just post one of those photos from your inspiration board and let us do the work in the coming months.
The room that is posted the most will be the winner and will kick off this new series on our website. Each month in CREATING A ROOM, we will post an iconic room and bring it to life. We will scheme it, source it and link you to all of the suppliers, purveyors, craftspeople and fabricators.
Thank you and have fun.
To enter:
Post a photo of your favorite iconic room
Tag #iconicroomchallenge
Make sure to follow @charmossny @charlottemossco
Submit photos by Thursday, July 9th at 12:00PM EST
Head over to C’est Inspire to see some of our favorite rooms to get inspired!